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Diary Entry - 02/05/1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attends the annual National Prayer Breakfast.

  • President Reagan meets with the Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey Turgut Ozal.

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A fellow footballer from Eureka days Tubby Muller a classmate contacted all our Class of ’32 mates & had them send birthday cards to him & he then forwarded them all to me. I had a warm nostalgic time reading & remembering.

But that was after we had gotten up at 6:30 A.M. & gone to the annual prayer brkfst. As always it was most rewarding. Billy Graham was there for the closing prayer. He had sent me a story I used in my remarks. There were 3,600 people present. Back at the W.H. I met with P.M. Ozal of Turkey. He’s a good friend of the U.S. & we had a good meeting—his 2nd visit.

Usual Lunch with V.P. but in the middle of it he got a call & had to rush up to Capitol Hill. As Pres. of the Senate he headed off an attempted shenanigan by new majority leader Byrd who is really taking his new post very big.

A lot of desk time. Then personnel time with Don R. & Bob Tuttle. And at last into the Roosevelt room where Armand & Frances Hammer plus 3 other couples had joined together to buy a Charles Russell painting to present to the W.H. Nancy came down for that. Then back to the Oval office for photos with Dennis Ayres & family. Dennis was top horseman in charge of Park mounted police & helped our S.S. detail learn to ride. He’s just retired. We’ll miss him. We also met his replacement—whose 1st name is also Dennis.

Rcv’d. word—not yet confirmed that Terry Waite was shot by a guard in Beirut as he tried to escape. Word is that his wound is very serious. All this later denied.

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