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Diary Entry - 02/04/1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attends a National Security Council meeting to discuss the American reporter arrested by the Iranians.

  • President Reagan meets with Secretary of State George Shultz to discuss an invitation to the White House to Soviet Pianist Vladimir Feltsman.

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After all this talk by the Dems. of wanting us to work together on matters we had a bipartisan congressional leadership scheduled for 9:30 A.M. Meeting canceled—Bob Byrd called Jim Wright & told him to cancel for the House as he did for the Senate. His word was that if I wanted a meeting I could come to the Hill & see only one house at a time. He’ll wait a long time for that. N.S.C. briefing—only rumors on Seib being released so far. We talked about S.D.I. and how we handled the A.B.M. part.

Lunch in the study then met with Sen’s. Hatfield & McClure—back from trip to Asia. They visited the refugees in Thailand—agree we cant take them all—they should be allowed to return to Cambodia if Vietnamese will clear out. They believe there is a desire on part of Hanoi to establish a relationship with us. Cant be done til they get out of Cambodia & clear up once & for all the P.O.W.- M.I.A. problem.

Met with Geo. S. I took up matter of Vladimir Feltsman—Soviet pianist who got word to Nancy he would be allowed to come to America if he had an invitation to play at the W.H. We’ll ponder a little on that one.

Upstairs & met with 6 individuals including F.B.I. agents on whether Mike D. ever lobbied me on behalf of his clients after he left the W.H. I cant remember a single instance of his ever doing that.

Called Landon Parvin about returning to the W.H. as a speechwriter. He wants a couple of days to think about it.

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