Diary Entry - 01/27/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with President Mohammed Hosni Mubarak of the Arab Republic of Egypt.
President Reagan meets with Austrian Christian Democratic Leader Alois Mock.
After a two-month recess, the U.S. and Russia resume negotiations on the reduction of intermediate-range nuclear missiles in Europe.
Pres. Mubarak of Egypt arrived. We had good meetings and reaffirmd our solid relationship. He’s very concerned about Israels stubbornness about getting out of Lebanon & fears our peace initiative may simply die on the vine because of them. I share his concern. He believes they & the Syrians may be playing a game with an eye to both, even though they are hostile toward each other, cutting up Lebanon between them. Christian Dem. Leader of Austrian party “Mock” visited. He’s a charismatic man & obviously a leader. Dropped by reception for Dick Richards who’s leaving as R.N.C. chairman. Then White Tie & Tails for the Nat. Gallery of Art Dinner opening the new wing contributed (along with art work to fill it) by Paul Mellon. An enjoyable evening.