Diary Entry - 01/26/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the federal republic of Germany, Hans-Dietrich Gensher to discuss the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces talks in Geneva.
President Reagan travels to Boston.
President Reagan makes a surprise visit to the Eire Pub, an Irish Pub in Boston.
Met with F. Min. Genscher of W. Germany. He’s with us on our strategy for the I.N.F. talks. Then off to Boston. It was really a fruitful day. Margaret Heckler, Silvio Conte & John Volpe went along. We visited a training center for underprivileged youth learning to be computer programmers. Then visited a computer plant with a real mix of employees (60% minoritys). Did some Q&A & walked the assembly line. They were very warm & friendly. Dropped in unannounced at an Irish pub.—well received. Visited another High tech. plant & participated in a seminar with rep’s. of a high tech. assn. Met with party leaders also & finally back to the W.H. It was a good day.