Diary Entry - 01/24/1984

Key Facts
President Reagan enjoys lunch and a Q & A session with Republican Senators.
President Reagan reviews a poll with good news: he has the highest final year approval rating since President Eisenhower.
General Walters came by for N.S.C. session. He’s on the go all the time as a roving Ambas. & what a job he does. He mends fences that might be leaning a little & makes the strong ones stronger. He’s just back from Indonesia, Singapore, Australia, The Maldive Islands, The Philippines & Chile. Now off to Nigeria. Had lunch with our Repub. Senators up on Capitol Hill. Did Q&A. Most Q’s. were on Beirut or the deficit. I think it was a worthwhile meeting. I made pitch for unity that was well recvd. Dick Wirthlins poll makes me wish we could have the election today. I have the highest final year approval rating since Eisenhower. Other goodies—83% of the people want spending cut not taxes raised as an answer to the deficit. Up to my study to work on 3 speeches all in Atlanta day after tomorrow— whoa! that’s a mistake—one of them is back here after I get home—the anniversary of our inaugural party.