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Diary Entry - 01/23/1984

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 01-23-1984

Key Facts

  • The President and First Lady attend the re-opening of the newly renovated National Theatre to see a performance of "42nd Street."

  • President Reagan decides to move Marines out of Lebanon and bring in an Army Force to train the Lebanese Army in anti-terrorist tactics.

  • President Reagan meets with all the leaders of the Annual March for Life.

View the President's Schedule
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Routine visits in A.M. plus meeting with all the leaders of the annual March for Life—70,000 in Wash. against abortion. They gathered down on the Elipse at noon. I went up on the W.H. balcony & waved to them. I could hear the roar that went up. The leaders & I had a good meeting. They are more united & determined than ever. An issues briefing lunch and later an N.S.C. meeting—Don Rumsfeld, George S., Bud McFarlane & myself later joined by Cap W., Jack Vessey & Bill Casey—all on Lebanon. We’re going to study a possible move of the Marines to the ships off shore but an Army force on shore to train the Lebanese army in anti-terrorist tactics. Did a taping session and then off to opening of the rebuilt Nat. Theatre. The show a great performance of “42nd St.” They dont write them like that anymore.

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