Diary Entry - 01/23/1984

Key Facts
The President and First Lady attend the re-opening of the newly renovated National Theatre to see a performance of "42nd Street."
President Reagan decides to move Marines out of Lebanon and bring in an Army Force to train the Lebanese Army in anti-terrorist tactics.
President Reagan meets with all the leaders of the Annual March for Life.
Routine visits in A.M. plus meeting with all the leaders of the annual March for Life—70,000 in Wash. against abortion. They gathered down on the Elipse at noon. I went up on the W.H. balcony & waved to them. I could hear the roar that went up. The leaders & I had a good meeting. They are more united & determined than ever. An issues briefing lunch and later an N.S.C. meeting—Don Rumsfeld, George S., Bud McFarlane & myself later joined by Cap W., Jack Vessey & Bill Casey—all on Lebanon. We’re going to study a possible move of the Marines to the ships off shore but an Army force on shore to train the Lebanese army in anti-terrorist tactics. Did a taping session and then off to opening of the rebuilt Nat. Theatre. The show a great performance of “42nd St.” They dont write them like that anymore.