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Diary Entry - 01/23/1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attends a National Security Council meeting to discuss military dictator of Panama General Manuel Noriega.

  • President Reagan travels to Camp David for the weekend.

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Staff meeting—Don R. & V.P. nothing too important. I signed off on some appointees to commissions & positions in agencies. Then N.S.C.—Frank C. & Gen. Powell. Brief discussion of Noriega the mil. dictator of Panama. Corruption there is rampant & he’s too fond of Castro. Then another pre-brief of meeting with Tower commission. Last night I went back over my diary & jogged my memory about a number of things having to do with Iran.

We have a little friction between policy makers & speech writers on St. of the U. Address. I’m going to have Ken K. come up to Camp D. for a little talk.

We’ll soon be on our way to Camp D. It was a little bumpy but not bad. Found out our movies were snow bound & didn’t arrive. Had one on hand for tonite—a James Bond thriller.

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