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Diary Entry - 01/19/1983

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 01-19-1983

Key Facts

  • President Reagan watches an anti-nuclear demonstration from his window.

  • High ranking Nazi war criminal Klaus Barbie is arrested in Bolivia.

  • China announces that it is banning 1983 purchases of cotton, soybeans and chemical fibers from the U.S.

View the President's Schedule
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Brkfst—Nakasone’s. Very enjoyable. His daughter is a charming young lady. I really believe we have established a good rapport. Morning in office—Routine. Off to Chi. Very cold. First stop Providence St. Mel high school. What a change since last May. Visited a computer programming class. This is a requirement for grad. at St. Mel. Visited with new Bd. of Governors—a bit like “Who’s Who.” Principal Paul Adams is on Cloud 9 now that he has this help. They are raising $61⁄2 mil. for scholarships, operations etc. Finally spoke to students in aud. If only all our schools could be like this one. Afternoon then filled with meeting Repub. leaders, reception fundraiser for Chuck Percy, visit with Paul Harvey, then reps. of Road builders Assn. came by to give me a hard hat. They say a 5 cent user fee on gasoline means 12,000 jobs in Ill. repairing roads, bridges etc. Then the dinner—a tremendous success with a dozen Repub. Sen. leaders on hand. Between times I watched a demonstration from my window. Only a few hundred people but professionally organized—it was anti nuke, against help to Salvadore, in support of a new Workers party etc.

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