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Diary Entry - 01/18/1985

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 01-18-1985

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attends a National Security Planning Group meeting to discuss action against Iran.

  • President Reagan declares that the U.S. will not take part in the World Court ruling on Nicaraguan charges.

View the President's Schedule
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Called Pvt. Initiative to tell them about a young Black man interviewed on T.V. last nite in hospital. He rescued a 10 yr. old boy from a man holding him with a 12 inch knife at his throat. Thomas Locks—the rescuer, 25 yrs. old is an unemployed landscaper. He will have a job when he gets out of the hospital with a nursery in Alexandria. I’ve just called him & the man who has the job for him.

N.S.P.G. meeting—to settle on action we’ll take immediately against Iran if the Hisballah terrorists carry out their threat to punish as spies the 5 Americans they are holding in Lebanon. It’s time to serve notice we wont hold still for their barbarism.

Met with George S.—we have a problem with General Ed Rowny (retired). We’ve named the 3 chief negotiators in the arms talks but we want Ed—who headed up the last negotiations to stay here as a special advisor to me & George. He sees this as a demotion. I met with him & did my best to convince it was nothing of the kind—that we need him & his expertise right here when these talks begin again. I’m not sure I convinced him.

Mermie has arrived & Dennis—Also Dick Davis & family. Tonite the 1st of the inaugural events. A show & fireworks down on the elipse. It was wonderful. There were 100’s of young people—volunteers from all over the country. I puddled up at their obvious patriotism and enthusiasm.

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