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Diary Entry - 01/15/1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan addresses high school students around the country via satellite on the anniversary of Martin Luther King's birthday.

  • President Reagan meets with Secretary of State George Shultz on the Secretary's recent trip to Africa.

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Don R. had a reply for the latest Wash. Post falsehood. The Post proclaimed that he (Don) had made the decision on pay raises for Legislators, Judges, exec’s. etc. & that once again I was off on a cloud unaware of what was going on. Well the record shows that we had 8 meetings on the subject & I was presiding at all 8. Frank C. brought in our new member of the N.S.C. group an authority on the Soviet U. with a most prestigious resumé. He will be a big help.

Dick Wirthlin came by with Poll figures. Just a slight drop—like 55 instead of 57% on job rating. All this in the last few days. Nothing to get excited about.

Went upstairs for my tub & lunch & then back down at 2 P.M. to broadcast a speech to students nation wide by T.V. satellite. Subject was Martin Luther King Jr.—this is his birthday. A short one on one with the V.P. in place of our usual lunch. And then George S. just back from Africa reported on his trip. He’s quite enthused about the attitude of the heads of state—Nigeria, Ivory Coast etc. All are turning from stateism to free enterprise & are giving us the credit. He had a fine meeting with Savimbi. It’s just possible a peaceful solution could be worked out in Angola.

That was all in the Oval O. Back upstairs. Tomorrow it’s Camp David.

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