Diary Entry - 01/14/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with Assistant for National Security Affairs Frank Carlucci to discuss Iran and Nicaragua.
President Reagan approves the construction of tunnels linking areas of the East and West Wing of the White House.
A hot tub & over to the office—I’ll be glad when day after tomorrow comes & I’m through with those hot tubs. We are looking at former Sen. Howard Baker as a replacement for Casey at C.I.A. According to reports we’re getting Bill will never be able to take the job again.
Then meeting with Frank C. I gave him some information—a copy of a message Ghorbanifar is sending to King Fahd on Iran & the factions waiting to succeed Khomanie [Khomeini]. I also told him to turn N.S.C. loose on a possible Govt. in Exile for Nicaragua which we would recognize.
Back upstairs for 2nd hot tub, lunch & back to the office. A meeting with a dept. that is about to create a tunnel leading from my office to the Situation room by the East Wing & the situation room near the Pool house on the West with direct connection to the basement of the W.H. It’s a security measure & needed my O.K. So they’ll go to work on the tunnel this Spring & the above ground work at the office in Aug. when we’re in Calif. My interview with Trudy Feldman was postponed until Feb. so upstairs to the tub again.