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Diary Entry - 01/11/1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan addresses the City Club of Cleveland.

  • The Soviet Union announces it will participate in the 1988 Seoul Summer Olympics.

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I left for Cleveland at 10 A.M. Nancy left for N.Y. at 11 A.M. I’ll be back by 3:30 P.M.—She wont be back until tomorrow.

In Cleveland I addressed the City Club of Cleveland—1st Pres. ever to do so. Speech was followed by Q&A. All went exceptionally well. Then I went to a photo op. & general meeting for fund raisers for George Voinovich former Mayor & now Cand. for Metzenbaums Senate seat. That too went well. Back at the W.H. at 3:30 and down for a haircut. Back upstairs to meet (Quietly) with Geo. Bush. While waiting for him I called Frank Kuehl in Sibley Hospital. I called him 3 yrs. ago to say Happy Birthday. Now he’s 93 & just had his gall bladder removed.

At 5 P.M. George Bush came by—he had called yesterday about a private meeting. We talked about the campaign & the latest Wash. Post effort to portray Geo. as having some untold secrets about “Iran-Contra” & that I was ordering him to remain silent. It was a good talk & we’re agreed on how to handle this canard. Then my exercise, dinner & an evening in front of the T.V. missing Nancy.

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