Diary Entry - 01/10/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan calls Mrs. Edward V. Hickey, Jr. to express his condolences upon the death of her husband.
Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev praises the state of Sino-Soviet relations and calls for a summit, Beijing responds by saying first Soviet-backed Vietnamese forces have to withdraw from Cambodia.
Snow & cold but the clouds were breaking so we had some sun. Then as day went on got a call that Ed Hickey had suddenly dropped dead. Tried all day to reach Barbara but no answer. Finally learned I could reach her Sunday morning.
An early dinner because movie was about 3 hrs. Called Dick Nixon—it was his birthday.
On Sunday—sunshine & a little warmer—but the snow wasn’t melting. Talked to Barbara Hickey. Ed she said had always wanted to be buried in Arlington Cemetery. I’ve arranged it so he can. Back to W.H. in early afternoon & a quiet evening at home.