Diary Entry - 01/11/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan visits the North Texas Food Bank run by volunteers which distribute thousands of tons of food to charitable organizations.
President Reagan attends the 64th annual meeting of the American Farm Bureau Federation.
Off to Dallas to address the Nat. Farm Bureau. Had some good news for them regarding exports & that I had signed the bill assuring sanctity of contracts. A very warm, enthusiastic audience of 8000. Then met with about 30—members of the Reagan-Bush Comm. of 1980. Visited the No. Texas Food Bank. This is a wonderful example of private initiative. Food dealers contribute food stuffs—volunteers distribute to various charitable groups. They provide 1000’s of tons of food stuff. There are now 10 such food banks in Texas. Major banks followed Chase & lowered prime to 11. Cap Weinberger announced he could cut the Defense bud. for ’84 by $11.3 bil. Arrived back at W.H. and there was a #1 Gauge electric train—old fashioned set up. It’s a gift from 2 brothers who started a business making them and now employ 22 formerly unemployed. It runs, whistles, makes an authentic chugging sound & plays “Hail To The Chief.” We have about 20 elec. trains ever since I made the crack to the press about wanting an elec. train for Xmas. We’re distributing them to children’s hospitals etc.