Diary Entry - 01/07/1985

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with a group of bipartisan cabinet members from former Administrations.
President Reagan agrees to a request by Chief of Staff James Baker and Secretary of the Treasury Don Regan to switch jobs.
Vietnam seize the Khmer National Liberation Front headquarters near the Thai border.
More Bud. appeals meetings—State Dept. & Veterans Affairs. And right after I wrote that I discovered the meetings had been canceled. That made for a very simple day. Only 1st reports from George S. & Bud in Geneva & not much to talk about. I’ll try to remember “no news” may be good news.
Did a couple of tapes—one for the inaugural & one for a ground breaking in Palm Springs for Bob Hope cultural center. Met with 10 rather distinguished men—some former cabinet members of both Dem. & Repub. admin’s. They represent about 200 citizens who want to start a drive to change the Presidential term to a single one for 6 yrs. I dont really know whether I approve that. I do agree with another idea—that Congressmen should serve for 4 rather than 2 yrs. Did a B.B.C. radio interview for a program about P.M. Thatcher. I’m a great admirer of hers.
Biggest event of day was a meeting with Don Regan & then with Jim Baker. They want to trade jobs. I’ve agreed. As soon as Jim is confirmed by Sen. he’ll be Sec. of Treasury & Don will come to the W.H. as Chief of Staff. I think it will resolve a lot of problems.