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Diary Entry - 01/07/1985

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 01-07-1985

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with a group of bipartisan cabinet members from former Administrations.

  • President Reagan agrees to a request by Chief of Staff James Baker and Secretary of the Treasury Don Regan to switch jobs.

  • Vietnam seize the Khmer National Liberation Front headquarters near the Thai border.

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More Bud. appeals meetings—State Dept. & Veterans Affairs. And right after I wrote that I discovered the meetings had been canceled. That made for a very simple day. Only 1st reports from George S. & Bud in Geneva & not much to talk about. I’ll try to remember “no news” may be good news.

Did a couple of tapes—one for the inaugural & one for a ground breaking in Palm Springs for Bob Hope cultural center. Met with 10 rather distinguished men—some former cabinet members of both Dem. & Repub. admin’s. They represent about 200 citizens who want to start a drive to change the Presidential term to a single one for 6 yrs. I dont really know whether I approve that. I do agree with another idea—that Congressmen should serve for 4 rather than 2 yrs. Did a B.B.C. radio interview for a program about P.M. Thatcher. I’m a great admirer of hers.

Biggest event of day was a meeting with Don Regan & then with Jim Baker. They want to trade jobs. I’ve agreed. As soon as Jim is confirmed by Sen. he’ll be Sec. of Treasury & Don will come to the W.H. as Chief of Staff. I think it will resolve a lot of problems.

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