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Diary Entry - 01/06/1985

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 01-06-1985

Key Facts

  • President Reagan returns to the White House from the weekend at Camp David.

View the President's Schedule
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Started the day off with the first meeting with the leadership of the 99th Congress. We spent our time on arms control. Bud & George S. held forth on the Geneva meeting—they departed this evening. I found support even among Demos. for our Strategic Defense Initiative.

A budget appeals meeting re transportation. Dave was holding out for canceling Amtrak. The case for getting Govt. out of the RR business has no opponents. Libby Dole however does have a good argument against doing it right now. She has 3 live customers for Conrail & RR labor is helping lobby Cong. to allow the sale. She fears (and so do I) that if we suddenly announced the end of Amtrak, labor might reconsider. I haven’t given an opinion yet but I favor closing the Conrail sale 1st—then getting at the other.

A 2nd Bud. Appeals meeting was with Margaret Heckler Sec. of H.H.S. I think we worked out a suitable compromise. George S. came by for a last farewell before Geneva then we were off for Camp David. Had to drive—icy conditions overhead.

Sat. a clear day but snow on the ground. It began melting & continued today—almost all gone by time we reached W.H.

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