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Diary Entry - 01/07/1983

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 01-07-1983

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with Henry Kissinger and Former Secretary of State Bill Clark to discuss Middle East policies.

  • President Reagan signs the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982, settling the issue of nuclear waste disposal.

  • The Reagan Administration lifts a five-year U.S. embargo on arms sales to Guatemala.

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Met with Sens. re the crime bill. It doesn’t have all of the things we wanted & does have one thing we dont want—appt. of a drug Czar. I’ll decide Mon. whether I can sign it Monday. If I sign we can make the Att. Gen. the Czar and maybe down the line we can legislate some changes. Lunch with Bill C. & Henry K. He’s very much in support of what we are doing in the Middle-East. In fact he was most complimentary. Went to the St. dining room & signed a bill settling the issue of nuclear waste disposal. Then a meeting with reps. of groups who are helping Lebanon—Danny Thomas was there. Bill Clark talked to me about leaving—problems with his ranch & his family. I didn’t talk or try to talk him out of it because of his problems. Then I talked to Helene who knows he is torn & really would prefer to stay. Lord knows I want him to stay. So I told him to take a month’s leave—go to the ranch & return. That’s what he’ll do. Off to Camp David.

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