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Diary Entry - 01/05/1982

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 01-05-1982

Key Facts

  • A federal judge overturns an Arkansas law requiring the teaching of creation science in classes where evolution is taught.

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Helmut Schmidt arrived. We did a last minute switch in what to say based on his remarks to Al & Don R. last nite on arrival. Our press had distorted Germany’s & for that matter N.A.T.O.’s position with regard to our sanctions against Soviets & Poland. While they might not be able to join us in canceling their own trade they openly support us & will not undercut our sanctions. It was a good day. Helmut wants me to meet Brezhnev. He says he is very curious about me & doesn’t know what to expect. Also says B. truly fears war. Maybe our disarmament talks might work after all. An N.S.C. meeting to confirm our actions & some photos by Bachrach & Karsh. Why do I hate photo sessions—I always did even when I was in movies.

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