Diary Entry - 01/03/1989

Key Facts
President Reagan speaks with Colin Powell and Ken Duberstein to discuss a human rights conference in Moscow in 1991.
President Reagan works on his farewell speech.
Scattered clouds but warmer than it’s been. Got right down to desk work. Interrupted once to pick places for planting a peach tree & an apple tree—both gifts. Problem is to keep them from blocking out our magnificent view when they grow up. Right now they are about 3 feet tall. Back to my desk—then lunch & a drop by of Ken D. & Colin. They brought me up to date on my decision & George Shultz’s to tell Gorby we’ll go for the human rights conference which will wind up in Moscow in 1991. We’ve worried about P.M. Thatcher—if she’d go along. Well I have a message from her that she will. Then 2 P.M. Dr. Bookman & staff to test me for some different allergys. Apparently I still just have the old ones. I got my usual sneeze shot. Betts B. came by to see Nancy. I went back to my desk to work on my farewell address—Peggy Noonan has sent a 1st draft.
Now it’s shower time. Dinner & bed—while T.V. experts try to discover why all of our sets are suddenly haywire. Now we learn—other people are having the same problem. It must be at the sending end.