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Online Course

The Fall of the Berlin Wall

The lessons in this course explore the political dynamics that led to the wall’s construction, President Reagan's crusade against the forces that kept it in place, and its eventual collapse.

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The Fall of the Berlin Wall Course

Course Overview

The Fall Of the Berlin Wall

From its construction in 1961 to its dramatic fall in 1989, the Berlin Wall not only divided a city but also stood as a powerful symbol of the Cold War, representing the clash between communist and democratic ideals.  The lessons in this course explore the political dynamics that led to the wall’s construction, President Reagan's crusade against the forces that kept it in place, and its eventual collapse.

What you'll learn

  • Historical Education


4 Lessons
  • 1
    Reagan and Gorbachev talking near fireplace.

    A Look at Communism

    This lesson introduces communism by contrasting its ideological foundations and false promises with its harsh realities.

  • 2
    Welcome Reagan Wall

    Germany and the Berlin Wall

    This lesson focuses on the division of Germany after World War II, exploring how the country split into a communist East and a democratic West. The lesson will highlight the construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961 and its significance as a symbol of oppression.

  • 3

    Reagan and the Berlin Wall

    This lesson explores the results of President Reagan's crusade against communism, including its weakening stronghold in Europe and the reunification of Germany.

  • 4
    Reagan and Gorbachev in front of Berlin Wall section

    The Legacy of Democracy

    President Reagan helped advance the fall of the Berlin Wall and inspired movements toward freedom. Safeguarding democracy is a responsibility shared by each generation. By upholding democratic principles, we contribute to securing the legacy of freedom.