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The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & InstituteThe Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Institute Logo

Ways To Give

Your Gift's Impact

How much is preserving, protecting & promoting Ronald Reagan's legacy worth to you?

You and I remember Ronald Reagan for many reasons. His inspired leadership. His eloquent oratory skills. And of course, his unshakeable belief in basic conservative principles. It is because of these memories that so many individuals, corporations and foundations support the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation. Not just for memory sake, but for the sake of our future. We are impacting the next generation as we preserve, protect and promote Ronald Reagan and all that he stood for.

We Preserve and Protect

  • Maintain and create new exhibits, and showcase temporary exhibits at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Museum.

  • Preserve the documents, audiovisual materials, photographs and thousands of gifts from Ronald Reagan's service as Governor, and as President.

  • Create a forum where influential leaders from government, business, media and academia speak on lessons learned from Ronald Reagan and how they apply today.

We Promote

  • Offer civics-based educational programming and experiential decision- making skill building sessions to more than 47,000 students annually.

  • Serve as a critical resource for hundreds of educators and students nationally, through strategic relationships with other prominent civics education groups.

  • Offer a website, so tens of thousands of people across the country and around the world can rediscover the accomplishments of Ronald Reagan.

  • Organize celebratory, educational and patriotic events for the community.

We hope you will pledge your support to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation by getting involved. We invite you to invest in our shared mission of telling people what really happened on President Reagan's watch, and to make certain that future generations understand and appreciate his vision for America and the world. Please take a moment now to review the many involvement opportunities at the Reagan Foundation. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 805-522-2977 or

For More Information

To learn more, please contact the Development Office.