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The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & InstituteThe Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Institute Logo

Legacy Council

Legacy Council Hero Logo

The Ronald Reagan Legacy Council recognizes individuals who have committed to preserving the important legacy of our 40th President through a charitable estate gift.

Photo of Ronald Reagan at a podium. Signed "With Best Wishes, - Ronnie".

Why Join?

Since the inception of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Institute, charitable estate gifts have helped underwrite and create countless programs and initiatives aimed at advancing President Reagan’s principles of individual liberty, economic opportunity, freedom and democracy, peace through strength, and national pride.

Membership in the Ronald Reagan Legacy Council entwines your legacy with President Reagan and ensures that the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Institute’s important work will endure for generations to come.

Becoming a Member

Membership in the Ronald Reagan Legacy Council is afforded to individuals who make a commitment to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Institute through one or more of the following methods:

  • Bequest provision in a Will or Living Trust
  • Life income gift (charitable gift annuity, lead trust, or remainder trust)
  • Retirement plan beneficiary designation
  • Life insurance policy beneficiary designation
  • Life estate gift (remainder interest in real property)

Recognition & Benefits

Legacy Council members receive ongoing benefits and are recognized in perpetuity at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum in Simi Valley, California:

  • Commemorative certificate recognizing your commitment to the legacy of President Ronald Reagan
  • Invitation to members only Legacy Council events
  • Recognition in public listings of the Legacy Council at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum
  • Lifetime membership to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum*
  • Name enshrined in the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum donor wall*

*Requires irrevocable documentation and a commitment of $250,000 and above. The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Institute is a IRS recognized 501(c)3 organization and relies solely on the support of private donations.

Ronald Reagan headshot
4 Ronald Reagan Education Students Posing
Nancy and Ronald Reagan Statues in front of a Reagan Quote

How Your Gift Preserves the Legacy of President Reagan

The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Institute honors the principles, optimism, and dedication to democratic ideals established by President Reagan.

The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library

Where influential leaders speak on the lessons learned from the Reagan Presidency and how they inform our country today.

The Ronald Reagan Presidential Museum

The largest and most visited museum of its kind, the Reagan Museum explores the lifetimes of Ronald and ancy Reagan and their legacy of leadership.

Ronald Reagan Institute, Washington, DC

Promoting President Reagan’s ideals, vision and leadership example for the benefit of generations to come through academic programs and courses scholarly work, publications, and substantive, issue-driven forums.

Education at the Reagan Library

A model for civic education, empowering educators and youth to become better citizens through effective communication and the understanding of democratic principles.

The Air Force One Pavilion

Climb aboard the Boeing 707 aircraft that served seven U.S. Presidents. Celebrates President Reagan’s face-to-face diplomacy, courage in the face of oppression and his role in ending the Cold War.

The Archives at the Reagan Library

The documents, audiovisual materials and relevant artifacts from Ronald Reagan’s service as Governor of California and President of the United States, and from other related collections.

Ready to join?

There is no cost or obligation for membership in The Ronald Reagan Legacy Council, and membership in no way deprives you of your right to change your plans at some future date. All information will remain confidential.

For More Information

Contact us for more information on any of these giving options.

  • Contact Us

  • The Ronald Reagan Legacy Council

    The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation

    40 Presidential Drive

    Simi Valley, California 93065

  • Robert Tuttle

    Co-chairman, The Ronald Reagan Legacy Council

  • Kay Rosen

    Director of Development