Diary Entry - 12/31/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan makes a National Radio Address.
President Reagan signs an agreement with Canada on the free trade act.
President Reagan and Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev exchange New Year's messages in which both leaders expressed optimism about future superpower relations.
A sunny day to start with—warmer than we’ve been having. Afternoon clouds came in probably because of rain in L.A. Did my radiocast, then photo of me signing one agreement with Canada free trade act. Phoned P.M. Mulroney. He & his family are in Fla. They were taking their children to Disney World. Geo. Bush called me from Camp D. to thank us & say Happy New Year. Two great golfers of the pro tournaments were here—Lee Trevino & Watson. George S. & I made a 4 some with them for 9 holes before lunch. It was quite an experience. Then after a luncheon we did another 9. We had a gallery—all the house guests. We all had a lot of fun. Then it was time for a little desk work & clean up for the New Years ball. It was grand as usual. Dinah Shore, Mrs. Bob Hope & Mrs. Jo Gavin sang after dinner. Bob H. entertained with some funnies. Geo. S. spoke & said some nice things about Nancy & me—so did our host Walter A. I responded to the toast—then it was 12 & Happy New Year. Bed about 1:30 A.M.