Diary Entry - 12/27/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan travels to Fox Plaza to view his new offices.
President and Mrs. Reagan go to dinner at Chasen's.
Hundreds of residents of Lockerbie, Scotland, pay a silent tribute to five of the Americans killed in the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103.
Still no hot water. Sunny day. About 11 A.M. I went out on the patio in slacks & blazer for photos by Pete & MaryAnn. After lunch Bea O. came by with some desk work & to accompany me to the Fox Plaza to see our suite of offices I’m overwhelmed—they are of course not completed. It’s the top floor of a new bldg. but they are going to be magnificent. Nancy has an office as well as mine & then space for a staff of 13.—Back to our home & desk work. Called Lew Wasserman who was responsible for us getting that office space to thank him. We now have hot water.
Out to Chasens for dinner with Wicks & their 41st Wedding anniversary. All their family including CZ’s fiancé & Ron & Doria. We had a table for all of us in a new addition to which I had never seen. The old Chasens is bigger. A good time was had by all.