Diary Entry - 12/25/1988

Key Facts
President and Mrs. Reagan pend a quiet Christmas Day at their home in Los Angeles.
Christmas services are held in Lockerbie, Scotland, where residents mourn the loss of 270 lives in the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 with relatives of the victims.
Rain all gone & a beautiful sunny day—a little cool. We’re still unpacking & opening Xmas gifts. The basement is the scene of action for the 1st. We’ve discovered we have a set of those shipboard high powered binoculars we can install out on the patio. An easier day than we’ve had. Ken D. called,— [. . .] has found some fragments of the Pan Am plane that do indicate—it was a bomb explosion. An early dinner with Ron & Doria, Merme & Dennis, & Mermies friend Jeanne—a lovely person—totally blind. A pleasant evening & then to bed.