Diary Entry - 12/25/1981

Key Facts
President Reagan spends Christmas Day at the White House with his family.
President Reagan receives a letter from General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Leonid Brezhnev stating his displeasure at US intervention in the situation in Poland.
Much of the morning spent opening gifts. Due to a law promoted by J.C. we must list all gifts, except those from relatives, and state their value—who gave them etc. and this is made public. It’s a lousy invasion of privacy. Tonite the Wicks & Ruges came here. It was a wonderful Christmas dinner. Earlier a letter arrived from Brezhnev. It seems we’re intervening in Poland and he’s upset about it. I’ve suggested that in our reply we remind him that we are only suggesting the Polish People be allowed to have a voice in the kind of govt. they want. Under the Yalta Pact the Soviets agreed they & others would be allowed to do this. The Soviets have never honored that promise. We should also agree—we wont intervene if they wont.