Diary Entry - 12/23/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan receives word about a Philippines ship collision killing 1,500.
President Reagan participates in a taping session for the Rose Bowl Parade.
With Congress on it’s way home—the heavens smiled, blue sky & sunshine. Also the day was light. Our staff meeting was really general conversation. N.S.C. much the same. Colin reported on Philippines ship collision—Ferry Boat & Tanker—1,500 dead. One 5 yr. old boy found floating on a piece of driftwood. Then a day of mostly photos such as with stewards (Eddies gang) Staff had a small Christmas tree put in study off the Oval O. Then a taping—for Rose Bowl Parade NBC—then a speech to Soviet people & finally my radio casts for next 2 Saturdays. A lot of picture signing. George Bush & I lunched together. Tommy Thomas came by.
Some bill signing—including the one George S. had wanted veto. I think he changed his mind when he found it would cut off Defense [State] Dept. appropriation.
Stopped by Dr’s. office to have my sore elbow looked at. No diagnosis as yet. Home for rest of day & opening of Xmas gifts. That gets to be a chore—at same time it is so heartwarming to bask in affection & friendship of so many generous people.