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Diary Entry - 12/22/1984

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 12-22-1984

Key Facts

  • President Reagan greets British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher to Camp David.

  • President Reagan explains to Prime Minister Thatcher the U.S. strategic defense research ("Starwars").

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Sat. dawned clear & bright which was fine because P.M. Margaret Thatcher was coming in for a visit. I met her in a golf cart & took her to Aspen where she & I had a brief visit in which I got a report on her visit with Gorbachev of Soviet U. In an amazing coincidence I learned she had said virtually the same things to him I had said to Gromyko. In addition she had made it clear there was no way the Soviet U. could split Eng. away from the U.S.

Then we joined the others—Ambassadors, Shultz, MacFarlane, Bush, et al at Laurel for a plenary meeting & working lunch. Main topic was our Strategic Defense Research (“Starwars”) I believe was eased some concerns she had. Then she was on her way to Eng.

Sunday was also a bright, beautiful day—like Spring & we returned to the W.H.

[Newspaper clipping titled “Guess Who?—Heart Patient Gets Presidential Support” regarding Hilda Smith was enclosed in this page of the diary. She is Roger Mudd’s Mother-in-law.]

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