Diary Entry - 12/22/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with the National Security Planning Group to discuss plans to keep shipping lanes in the Persian Gulf open.
President Reagan participates in a Christmas message taping session for Hispanic Radio.
An N.S.P.G. meeting at the O.E.O.B. bldg. having to do with plans to keep the Persian Gulf open if Iran should try to close it. All are agreed it must be kept open to shipping. Dick Wirthlin came by office with new poll results—our figures are up in everything but the Lebanon situation. Jean Kirkpatrick reported on recess of Gen. Assembly U.N. She’s weary of the U.N. & I cant blame her but she wants to do whatever will best help in my re-election. We are going to walk out of Unesco. We’ve tried for 3 yrs. to redirect it into proper channels with no success so we’ll pick up our marbles & go home. Did a Xmas msg. for Hispanic Am. Radio network. Actually did part of it in Spanish. Admin. time—Ann Compton of ABC & family. She’s been transferred to the Cong. A Couple of our staff moving to other jobs. Nat. Commander of D.A.V. Dennis Joyner. He lost both legs in V.N. Five reps. from different Bible groups came by—each presented me with one of their Bibles. For example, head of Gideon Society gave me one to commemorate their 300 millionth Bible. The March of Dimes poster child—a lovable little girl who was a victim of birth defects—Spinal Bifida etc. She’s on crutches but still swims & rides. Keith Kreul—Nat. Commander of the Am. Legion to invite me to address their Nat. convention. Then Photos & Q&A with Figaro magazine.