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Diary Entry - 12/21/1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan receives a report on the Private Sector Initiative from John Phelan.

  • President Reagan attends the uniformed Secret Service Christmas party.

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A lot to talk about in 9 A.M. meeting. The business of signing a bill if the Congress ever get’s around to passing one, is very complicated. We cant just sign without knowing what’s in the fine print. The bill is 1,400 pages long. Congress is still talking about going home tomorrow but still wont remove the veto bait from the C.R.

Then at 9:30 I met with Bob Dole & several Sen’s. for more talk. They wanted to hear from me once more that I would absolutely veto the bill if we didn’t remove the “Fairness bill.” They heard me say h--l yes I’ll veto.

The balance of the morning was desk time—then an issues lunch in the Cab. room. I always enjoy those. Then a long stretch of desk time. I even got some drawers cleaned out & as usual finding a few documents I’d forgotten I had. Photos with 4 staff members.

At 4:15 John Phelan presented me with the report on the Pvt. Sector Initiative by the commission I’d set up to review the P.S.I.

Then 8 Ambassadors with familys checked in—the usual exchange of documents & photos.

Stopped by Dr. for sneeze shot & upstairs. Back down at 6:15 for reception of U.S.S.S. & P.P.D. A receiving line—took about 30 min.—photos with each couple—then up to dinner & early bed.

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