Diary Entry - 12/19/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan attends a reception for Citizens Against Government Waste.
President Reagan attends the White House Staff Christmas Party.
Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir agrees to a Likud-Labor coalition to govern the Jewish state.
A 9 A.M. start. A little fuss with dept. of Energy. They wanted a budget increase to restore nuc. plants. We pointed out they are holding excess funds & those must be used for the nuc. safety measures. They hold $900 mil.
Just rcv’d. a fire management report on handling of natural fires (lightening etc.). Rule is to let them burn themselves out. We agree with rule but need provisions in case of certain weather conditions etc. A dispute also with task force looking into Fetal tissue research. They say using aborted fetuses is not immoral. Well I say it is because abortion is immoral.
Some discussion of commissions recommended pay hike for Cong., judges & top execs.
N.S.C.—Our Peace Corps bldg. in Honduras was bombed. In El Salvador 2 Americans have been kidnaped. Problems have been resolved over Chinas 9 launches of civilian (American) satellites.
[. . .] the Soviets are waging an all out air war on Mujahadeen in Afghanistan.
Tomorrow Att. Gen. Thornburg signs a convention—100 countries on a war on drugs.
Then our A.I.D. people who have been in Armenia helping the Earthquake victims came in to report. A fascinating story. Some desk time. Then photos with some more staff people. Over to E.O.B. the Indian Treaty Room to address about 70 veterans of the Grace Commission Study—Peter Grace was there. Lunch—then photo with Jims Sister in Law & her fiancé. Leaders of American leaders of Russian Orthodox Church in for photos & they gave me a medal mounted on a plaque. Then one of those photo ops with about 50 staff, 1 at a time.
Then a photo with staff of our L.A. office. Another photo session with Holmes & Virginia Tuttle & their family. Then upstairs a call to Gov. Deukmejian to urge a 3rd term on him. He’s undecided but definitely leaning “no.” Did a CBS tape of greeting to Terry Drinkwater who is in the hospital with cancer. Then upstairs—exercise, shower & at 6:15 downstairs for the Xmas party White House employees—shook 570 hands. Upstairs dinner & beddy bye.