Diary Entry - 12/19/1982

Key Facts
President Reagan places a call to Ann McGill Gorsuch, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
The President and First Lady attend several department Christmas celebrations in both the White House and Old Executive Offices.
Poland's Council of State announces that martial law will be suspended on December 31.
Snowing but I’m afraid it’s too warm—37º for it to last. Nancy is yearning for a White Xmas. Quiet day—the 4 of us lunched in the solarium. At 3 P.M. we have to go downstairs for the W.H. & Exec. O. Bldg. reception. We went and every room was jammed. We shook as many hands as we could through the State Dining Room, the Red, Blue, Green & East Rooms & back to the Staircase. Word from the hill indicates we may get the gas tax & the Continuing Res. in a form I can sign. Tonite Ron told us he wants to quit Ballet & go to writing. I cant say I’m sorry although he worked hard & was getting along well but there isn’t much of a future and it’s a short career.