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Diary Entry - 12/19/1982

Key Facts

  • President Reagan places a call to Ann McGill Gorsuch, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

  • The President and First Lady attend several department Christmas celebrations in both the White House and Old Executive Offices.

  • Poland's Council of State announces that martial law will be suspended on December 31.

View the President's Schedule
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Snowing but I’m afraid it’s too warm—37º for it to last. Nancy is yearning for a White Xmas. Quiet day—the 4 of us lunched in the solarium. At 3 P.M. we have to go downstairs for the W.H. & Exec. O. Bldg. reception. We went and every room was jammed. We shook as many hands as we could through the State Dining Room, the Red, Blue, Green & East Rooms & back to the Staircase. Word from the hill indicates we may get the gas tax & the Continuing Res. in a form I can sign. Tonite Ron told us he wants to quit Ballet & go to writing. I cant say I’m sorry although he worked hard & was getting along well but there isn’t much of a future and it’s a short career.

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