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Diary Entry - 12/18/1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan receives word that a Soviet spy was caught in the Soviet U.N. delegation and decides to ship him back to the U.S.S.R.

  • President Reagan attends in an appreciation party for White House support staff.

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No Camp David. Staff time—some conversation about Coach George Allen. I’ve asked to see if we cant give him a title of some kind because of his work abroad on physical fitness for children. Then we prepped ourselves for the meeting with Repub. Congressional meeting at 9:30. It was a good meeting & I made it clear that I would veto both the Reconciliation bill & the Continuing Resolution if they were passed as they are now in the House. The Senate version seems OK & they are in conference.

N.S.C.—We picked up a spy in the Soviet U.N. delegation. We’re shipping him back to Moscow. It will be interesting to see if they retaliate.

[. . .] Maybe that will get the Soviets to join us in eliminating chemical warfare. Korea—post election—is looking a little better. I had some desk time, then lunch. After lunch the ec. briefing. Things look good.

Taped an interview with British Broadcasting. Subject was Margaret Thatcher. It’s for a BBC-T.V. show on Jan. 4. Photos with a couple of departures. One an S.S. agent being transferred to Hawaii.

Some phone calls—judge appointments etc. And finally upstairs for the day. Whoops! George the Butler just let me know I was expected downstairs at the household help party. Nancy was scheduled to go but she isn’t back from the Childrens Hospital. So I went—35 mins. of hand shaking & picture taking. But all worthwhile. Nancy didn’t get back until 5:25.

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