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Diary Entry - 12/15/1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan receives conflicting information that the U.S.S.R. is going to increase arms shipments to the Sandinistas instead of decreasing them.

  • President Reagan receives a briefing from Director Bill Webster of the CIA on new technology being employed by the Agency.

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Staff time—Told to expect Deaver verdict today or tomorrow. I’m praying. Bill coming down on changes in special investigation—discussion on veto or sign. Right now the very things I object to are being litigated in court. Well it came to me & I signed—but with a message that I was awaiting the court action & thought it would be out of place to veto.

Then word Dole was going public tomorrow in favor of I.N.F. treaty. I’ll accompany him to press room.

Now at 9:30 meeting with Repub. Cong. leadership. Talk was on I.N.F. & we pitched a plea to ratify. It was a good meeting.

N.S.C.—Discussion of Gen. Ortegas (brother of Pres. O.) revealed that with Soviet help their mil. was going to vastly build up. Now his brother is trying to play it down. Gorbachev had told me they would withhold arms shipments to help in peace plan.

Meeting with Repub. task force on I.N.F. They are set to keep the ball rolling in Sen.

Then a call from Hugh Sidey—some Q’s on summit. Meeting with Dick Wirthlin—the figures are way up in the aftermath of the summit. My job rating 65%.

Had lunch with V.P.

An N.S.P.G. meeting for a report on our covert activities. A good report. [. . .]

C.I.A. Dir. Bill Webster came up to office after meeting & gave me a report on some new technology that was fabulous.

Later in day—a group of Rabbi’s—“Friends of Lubavitch”—came by (Hanukah) and presented me with a Menora.

A sneeze shot & upstairs. Then at 5 down to East Room for photo with W.H. Aids.

After dinner—into Black tie & down for Congressional Ball—an annual Xmas event—about 800 ( & spouses). On this one we start the dancing in the East room then go through the crowd down the main hall—shaking hands & being photographed with individuals & couples etc. Back upstairs about 9:30.

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