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Diary Entry - 12/15/1986

Key Facts

  • President Reagan participates in a meeting to receive recommendations for salary adjustments for upper level government positions.

  • President Reagan participates in a signing ceremony for Proclamation 5591, National Drunk and Drugged Driving Awareness Week, 1986.

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I don't like Mondays. George S. came in at 9:30 A.M. I’ve talked him out of firing Ambas. Kelly in Lebanon. At 9:45 our Quad Commission came in with the report on top echelon salaries. They are recommending big raises for the top level appointees, the Cong. & Judges. The Commission was appointed by the Cong. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Ct. & me. I know there will be the usual screams but we are losing judges by the dozen who cant afford to stay on the bench & and are returning to pvt. law practice. The same is true of Cab. members & others who have sacrificed 6 fig. incomes in pvt. life to lend a hand in govt.

Our Domestic Policy council met on the subject of catastrophic illness insurance. Dr. Bowen (H.H.S.) has brought forth a plan aimed at protecting the elderly which I think has promise. I’m concerned though as to whether we can find something for those working stiffs.

Issues briefing lunch—looks like I’m going to be busy as h--l in Jan.

Over to E.O.B. for a signing ceremony—proclamation for Drunk & Drugged Driving Awareness Week.

Met with Cap W. on plan for having 50 MX missiles on railroad cars. He & I agree we’d like to cancel the “Midget” missile Cong. forced on us as a requirement for getting the MX.

Ed Meese came by for a few min’s. I’m releasing a statement tomorrow that I want Cong. to grant Poindexter & North immunity if they’ll come forward & testify. Finally a haircut & upstairs.

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