Diary Entry - 12/13/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan receives word that his job approval rating is at 67%.
The President and First Lady return to the White House to find it decorated with this year's Christmas theme: Music Scenes.
Did my radio address at Laurel Cottage then Nancy & I shook hands & were photographed with each of about 100 new Naval & Marine personnel. A short visit to a new barracks built by Sea Bees. Then it was a quiet day of reading & homework.
Sunday was clear & cold. Dick Wirthlin called with last nights poll results. The summit was a big plus. My job rating is 67%. On handling of foreign affairs 63%. On arms control 67% & on handling the Soviets 81%. On immediate ratification of I.N.F. treaty 76% say yes and 84% want us to go forward on the START Treaty.
Left Camp D. at noon & back to W.H. to see the Xmas decorations Ted & all the help & volunteers have completed over the weekend. As usual—magnificent. Theme this year is music—scenes illustrating songs on Xmas theme such as “I Caught Mommie Kissing Santa C.”
Desk work then off at 5:30 to “Christmas in Washington.” It was more beautiful than ever & certainly was in the Christmas Spirit & I mean that night in Bethlehem.