Diary Entry - 12/13/1982

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a meeting with the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Denmark, Poul Schluter.
President Reagan participates in a signing ceremony for Proclamation 5005, National Drunk and Drugged Driving Awareness Week.
Sentry Annored Car Company in New York discovers the overnight theft of $11 million dollars from its headquarters, the biggest cash theft in U.S. history.
Staff time—N.S.C. briefing & then P.M. Schluter of Denmark arrived. He’s a good man & more akin to us in thinking than his predecessor. Issues briefing lunch & then met with our Drunk & Drugged Driving task force—John Volpé chairman. Signed a proclamation declaring this Drunk & Drugged Driving awareness week. Called Geo. Shultz in Rome to wish him a happy Birthday. He says Pres. Pertini is still talking about Nancy. Had a hush, hush meeting with N.S.C. to complete report on covert activities by C.I.A. These had almost ceased under the previous admin. I was greatly reassured to learn what we are doing now—it’s quite extensive & effective. Met with about 30 Hearst editors in a Q&A session—told them I’d answer all the Q’s we didn’t get to by mail. Don Rumsfeld came to report on his mission to steer our allies off the Law of the Sea treaty. He did a good job, Japan, U.K., F.R.G., Italy etc. all joined us in not signing. The treaty would turn the entire oceans of the world over to an international body with supreme power even to tax. Saw the Mexican Ambassador off to Mexico—he is now the Foreign Minister replacing Castaneda whom I never trusted. His son in law is a member of the Cuban Polit. Bureau. Early dinner & downstairs to the Cong. Christmas reception where we shook hands in an hour long reception line.