Diary Entry - 12/12/1986

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a photo opportunity with the 1986 Heisman Trophy winner, Vincent F. Testaverde.
President Reagan participates in a Domestic Policy Council meeting to receive the report of the Low Income Opportunity Working Group.
No Camp D. this week—too many Xmas drop bys. Our mil. team is in Holland meeting with their counterparts re the Suriname situation.
A nice photo stop—this years Heisman Trophy Winner Miami Q.B. Vinney Testaverde came to the Oval Office with his parents, his girlfriend, 4 sisters & 2 brothers in law. Also the chmn. of the Downtown Athletic Club & his wife. It was a nice 10 min. or so. Then into a Domestic Policy Council Meeting. Chuck Hobbs gave us an hour report on the proposed Reforms of welfare & programs for the low income earners I’d asked for.
A fast lunch & then over to E.O.B. to address the meeting of the new State legislators (conservative) members of American Legislative Exchange Council. I was extremely well received. It was very heart warming.
Back in the office for Dick Wirthlins poll results. Just since last Sunday they bottomed out & are now climbing. Maybe the people are getting bored with the Lynch mob. Cleaned up some desk work & came upstairs.