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Diary Entry - 12/12/1986

Key Facts

  • President Reagan participates in a photo opportunity with the 1986 Heisman Trophy winner, Vincent F. Testaverde.

  • President Reagan participates in a Domestic Policy Council meeting to receive the report of the Low Income Opportunity Working Group.

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No Camp D. this week—too many Xmas drop bys. Our mil. team is in Holland meeting with their counterparts re the Suriname situation.

A nice photo stop—this years Heisman Trophy Winner Miami Q.B. Vinney Testaverde came to the Oval Office with his parents, his girlfriend, 4 sisters & 2 brothers in law. Also the chmn. of the Downtown Athletic Club & his wife. It was a nice 10 min. or so. Then into a Domestic Policy Council Meeting. Chuck Hobbs gave us an hour report on the proposed Reforms of welfare & programs for the low income earners I’d asked for.

A fast lunch & then over to E.O.B. to address the meeting of the new State legislators (conservative) members of American Legislative Exchange Council. I was extremely well received. It was very heart warming.

Back in the office for Dick Wirthlins poll results. Just since last Sunday they bottomed out & are now climbing. Maybe the people are getting bored with the Lynch mob. Cleaned up some desk work & came upstairs.

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