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Diary Entry - 12/12/1984

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 12-12-1984

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with members of the President's Task Force on International Private Enterprise.

  • President Reagan participates in a ceremony to plant a commemorative 20 foot Sugar Maple tree on the White House grounds.

  • The President and First Lady host a Christmas Party for Members of the Press and their families.

View the President's Schedule
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George B. took the watch early this morning & went to Andrews for the arrival of the bodies of our 2 men murdered in Iran—the highjacking.

I went to the E.O.B. to speak to the Gannett publishers—about 100. Then back to a meeting with “Presidents International Pvt. Enterprise Task Force.” They work to involve the Pvt. sector in helping promote pvt. enterprise in developing countries etc. I rcv’d. their annual report. Then I planted a Sugar maple tree on the No. Lawn. Every Pres. leaves a tree.

Our Budget Core group had a 75 min. working lunch. Cap. W. submitted his Defense Budget plan which meets the O.M.B. recommendation for ’86 outlays. Well it misses by 2 Bil. There was great disagreement with regard to his proposed spending cuts for ’87 & ’88. Actually these 3 & 5 yr. projections are ridiculous. Who knows what may happen to affect our Nat. Security needs 3 yrs. from now. If we predict great cuts we weaken our hand with the Soviets in the upcoming Arms Talks. We’ll have to meet again.

Met with Barry Goldwater—he is stubbornly holding out against the MX. He could well be the kiss of death.

Bill Dickinson R. (Ala.) also came by. We need to meet with him more often on defense matters.

A whole raft of C.E.O’s our Vol. committee on Savings Bonds came by for the end of the yr. report. They exceeded their goal—125%. Now they go forth for the new drive.

Tonite the Press party—a receiving line—700 people.

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