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Diary Entry - 12/10/1986

Key Facts

  • President Reagan participates in a meeting with newly-elected Members of Congress.

  • President Reagan participates in a signing ceremony for Proclamation 5589, International Human Rights Day.

  • In China thousands of students begin protesting for democracy in Shanghai.

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Short meeting with newly elected Congressmen 27 Dem. 24 Repub. Took a few Q’s. One young Dem. asked a “have you stopped beating your wife” Q. What would I do for the poor & hungry etc. the inference being that we were not doing anything for them. His name—Joseph Kennedy.

Over at E.O.B. spoke to a group on Human Rt’s and signed proclamation declaring Human Rt’s. day Dec. 15—Orlov, Scharansky & some Cubans persecuted by Castro were on hand. Scharansky came by the Oval office for a short visit & I think to be reassured that we were still pushing the Soviets on their persecution of Jews.

In the P.M. met with volunteers on U.S. Savings Bond Committee. This year they set a new record—highest since 1945. Followed this with a meeting & the signing of proclamation of United Way—Centennial. Then up stairs with some homework to do. Tonite is Press Christmas party—a long receiving line.

Now we’ve shaken 500 hands & we’re going to bed.

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