Diary Entry - 12/09/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan is presented with several sculptures for the White House.
President and Mrs. Reagan have their annual check-up and have a clean bill of health.
10 A.M. start—no breakfast—10 ounces of Golightly & a repeat every 10 minutes for a total of 13 glasses. Dressed for Camp David. First meeting a little post mortem on last night. Then told Stu Spencer had suggested after Jan. 20 that I might think of contributing a couple of Speaking fees to the United Negro College Fund. Ken told me there would be no appeals for more money in the budget by any of our Cabinet.
N.S.C.—Colin reported Israel had moved into Lebanon again militarily on land, sea & in the air. We all think it’s stupid. We’ve discovered the French are back to stealing from hotel rooms of American businessmen in Paris. Our A-10 that crashed in a German village has stirred up more German demands that may stop our flying there. Apparently Arafat who signed the paper we thought would meet our demands has fuzzed things up again & says it must be approved by some other group there in the middle east.
A bit of desk work then A. C. Lyles brought in the head of Paramount pictures & his wife for photos & a brief meeting. Then it was upstairs—well after a liquid lunch—to get Nancy. Downstairs we did some photos. One with woman who had raised Rex. Another with Milos—blood brother & his little boy. Then to receive some sculptures for the White House. They were done with Sapphires. We motored to Bethesda for our medical check ups—it was snowing. We were there til 5:30 P.M.—the sun came out in the afternoon, all the snow melted & we were able to helicopter to Camp David. Both of us were given a 100% rating health wise. Ran “Destry Rides Again.”