Diary Entry - 12/09/1987

Key Facts
The President and First Lady enjoy dinner at the Soviet Embassy in Washington, D.C.
President Reagan and General Secretary Gorbachev meet to discuss nuclear arms reduction and Afghanistan.
Had a half hour to review points for todays meeting. Then briefing for meeting. At 10:30 went out to the drive to meet Gorby—(I should say Mikhail). We held still in the Oval O. for 5 waves of press & photos. Then I took him into my study. We had a brief talk then joined our teams in the Oval O. for a 2 hr. meeting. I led off on the 50% cut in I.C.B.M.’s—George S. & Frank C. added some remarks. Then the Gen. Sec. responded. We seem to be doing well on the 50% deal but then he brought up S.D.I. and while he didn’t link it to the treaty he still made an issue of it and suggested a 10 yr. abiding by A.B.M. treaty & then we should negotiate on whether we could deploy. Things got a little heated. We switched to regional problems—Afghanistan. I asked for a date certain for their leaving Afghanistan. He said he’d leave when we stopped helping the Mujahadeen. I pointed out we couldn’t do that unless the puppet govt. laid down their weapons. Well we agreed to put our teams to work on 50% deal & time was up. I took him over to the Dip. room to meet Raisa who was with Nancy. They took off for Lunch at St. Dept. I went back to office for lunch.
After Lunch a briefing for interview with 4 columnists. Interview went pretty well. Some desk time then meeting with several Repub. Sens. re the Budget plan & I.N.F. I let them know if some of the games re the plan went through I’d veto. We want the plan we agreed to. Phil Gramm was a bright spot—he came out for the 1st time in support of I.N.F.
Then it was home to clean up & go to Soviet Embassy for dinner. A very pleasant evening but dinner was pretty much the entire evening. I lost count of how many courses but they just kept coming. Brief entertainment after dessert—a Soprano from the Bolshoi Opera—Moscow then home.