Diary Entry - 12/09/1981

Key Facts
President Reagan allows the Air Traffic Control workers fired due to the illegal strike to re-apply for government jobs outside of the Air Traffic Control sector.
President Reagan attends a candlelight tour of the White House Christmas decorations for Senior Citizens.
Made decision to ask for waiver allowing striking air controllers to apply for govt. jobs (not including air control) without waiting 3 yrs. Also decided to OK sale of Caterpillar Pipe Layers to Soviet U. Told Cong. Repub. leaders of that decision this morning. Saw some Ambassadors off & met with March of Dimes Poster Child for those born with defects. Richard Wagner was a joy. He uses leg braces & crutches but plays basketball, soccer & swims—51⁄2 yrs. old. Bright as a whip & happy. Rcvd. Blackthorn walking sticks as gifts for Nancy & me along with Tip O’Neil. Lunch with him, Mike, Max, Ken. It’s Tips birthday & we had a good time telling stories—Irish stories. Desk work all afternoon then downstairs where Sr. Citizens were touring the W.H. to see the Xmas decorations & the Navy Choir was singing Carols. They are a fine looking group and indicate our vol. military is working. Tonite Lee & Walter A. came for dinner—a farewell to Lee who is leaving as Chief of Protocol. They had thought they could arrange for Walter to spend more time in Wash. but it didn’t work out. They were separated too much so it’s back to Sunnylands. She did a fine job.