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Diary Entry - 12/07/1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan participates in a signing ceremony proclaiming December 7th "Pearl Harbor Day."

  • President Reagan participates in a meeting with the Joints Chiefs of staff about their supporting the newly agreed upon Intermediate-range Nuclear Force Treaty (INF).

  • Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev sets foot on American soil for the first time, arriving for a Washington summit with President Reagan.

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Pearl Harbor Day. I signed a proclamation that said it was. A busy staff session at 10 A.M. Jim Baker came in to tell me there was a proposal that we issue some of our U.S. bonds in Yen & Marks. He’s against it & so am I. Then he left & we talked about the summit. Then Howard brought up a bill changing the way of appointing an Independent Counsel. We agreed I should sign it but with a statement pointing out it’s shortcomings. The Reconciliation bill is in the Sen. it may turn out OK but the Continuing Resolution out of the House is bad. We must get money for the Contras in there.

N.S.C.—Colin had a full agenda. Report on P. Gulf. Iran fired a Silkworm missile at Sea Isle loading station in Kuwait & missed. However their speed boats hit 2 ships—one Danish & a man killed, 2nd was a Singapore registered ship which they set on fire. Our Geneva negotiators started a walk out on their Soviet counterparts who then blinked. Col. Lenhart is doing a great job for us. I signed an N.S.D.D. calling for agreement on summit issue we’d agreed on last week at N.S.P.G. meeting. It had to do with warhead count for START.

Colin warned that Gorbachev may suggest a zero zero agreement on short range tactical nuclear weapons—that can only happen after we agree to parity on Conventional weapons.

We should get together on banning chemical weapons but that’s a tough one to verify.

I phoned Margaret Thatcher who had just met with the Gen. Sec. He stopped for a 2 hr. meeting in Eng. on his way here. She leaned on him on the negotiation & on human rights. She was very encouraged by his attitude & answers.

After lunch I met with the Joint Chfs. of Staff. They are supporting I.N.F. which will help with Sen. on ratifying the treaty.

Then an Ec. briefing, Jim Baker, Beryl Sprinkel & Alan Greenspan. They do not believe we face a recession in ’88.

A photo with performers at Christmas Pageant tonite & upstairs.

Then at 6:40 down for the Christmas tree lighting. We did it on the balcony off the Green Room. A 5 yr. old lad who’s wish was to do this pushed the button. He is a terminal cancer case. Back up for dinner with Ted G. & Maureen & Dennis.

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