Diary Entry - 12/05/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a signing ceremony for Proclamation Designating 1989 as "Year of the Young Reader."
President Reagan addresses a reception with House GOP members.
Another 10 A.M. morning. Discussed speech I’m to make Wed. evening before the dinner. I’m to receive the Bayer Award. I’ll speak mainly on Foreign Policy. Thurs. I’ll do a press conference—2 briefings for it Tues. afternoon & Weds. Cong. Republicans elected their officers—Bob Michel stays as Leader. Dick Cheney will be whip & Jerry Lewis will chair the Repub. Conf. Clay Yeutter is in Montreal for the mid year meeting of the Uruguay trade negotiations.
Budget meeting—main problem—military pay. We’re $1.1 Bil. over the Gramm, Rudman $100 Bil. ceiling. Dan Crippen reported on this one.
N.S.C.—Some talk about the Wed. meeting with Gorbachev. We have to find out what title to use. He is now Gen. Sec., Chmn. & President.
Venezuela election—John Perez who was Pres. in 70’s was elected again. We can work with him. The radical left did poorly. The brief mil. revolt in Argentina has been controlled. The Heritage Foundation revealed it’s true nature. They are against an Angola settlement getting Cubans out charging we are selling out Savimbi. No such thing—we strongly support Savimbi. Desk time til lunch. At 12:45 up from lunch & a photo with Lindy St. Cyr. Then photos with a group of Jims friends. Then a photo with a 6 yr. old girl & her mother. Meeting me was the child’s request. She only has weeks to live. She has a brain tumor.
At 1:30 a signing ceremony for Proclamation designating 1949 [1989] as “Year of the Young Reader.”
Then a meeting with George Shultz—much of it on Middle East, the P.L.O. & upcoming meetings. Then upstairs—peeled down & did exercises—some desk time then clothes back on & at 6 P.M. left for reception at Capital with Repub. Cong.men & ex reps. back as far as 97th Cong. First Bob Michel led me into the House Chamber where everyone was assembled. Jack Kemp opened with a prayer, Bob spoke, then it was my turn. I was exceptionally well received. Then everyone gathered in Statuary hall for mix & mingle. I shook a lot of hands & am quite moved by the warmth of everyone. Then back to W.H. for dinner with Nancy & Ted G. After dinner Nancy had a long phone session with her cowriter, John Novak. Ted showed me plans for my new office in Calif. And then to bed.