Diary Entry - 12/03/1986

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a briefing for women entrepreneurs.
President Reagan participates in a Cabinet Meeting to discuss the 1988 Budget.
Met with same group of GOP Sens. & Reps met with yesterday plus Jack Kemp. They are still undecided as to what they can do with a Cong. Committee to investigate the Iran fuss. Bob Dole thinks Bob Byrd wants to wait until Cong. meets in Jan. & then a dozen committees will hammer away well into summer with the ’88 campaign in mind. They are satisfied with what I’ve done & feel my T.V. speech yesterday has checked the assault by the press.
From there it was a Cabinet meeting on the budget. They all learned that virtually every body was going to get less money then they’d asked for. We’ll be getting their specific responses in a few days.
After lunch went over to the O.E.O.B. to speak to 160 Women all entrepreneurs & owners of their own business. They were most warm & friendly in their reception.
Long meeting with Geo. S. He’ll soon be off on some foreign trips & he’s totally behind me now on my actions in the Iran flap.
Went home early—met Xmas tree donors on way. A lot of homework to do. George B. making a speech today—a good one totally on the Iran affair.