Diary Entry - 12/03/1982

Key Facts
President Reagan leaves Brazil for Bogota, Colombia.
President Reagan participates in a meeting with the President of Colombia to discuss what problems are currently plaguing the Americas and what steps can be taken to rectify them.
Off to Bogota Colombia. Had an advance copy of toast he would deliver at lunch. It was a little harsh with a tone of resentment toward the “Colossus of the North.” He has talked of recognizing Cuba & not being a satellite to U.S. etc. Met us at airport—again full honors & troop review. A large group of Americans were there and warm in their welcome. Helicoptered to Square to place a wreath at statue of Simon Bolivar. At Palace he & I (plus interpreters) met alone. He spoke of previous visits by Am. Presidents (J.F.K. last) and how nothing came of it. This gave me a chance to say I came to ask questions—what were our problems & how could we solve them. Told him of my dream for the W. hemisphere: That we had a common heritage of coming to this land from all over the world & that from pole to pole we worshipped the same God. He told me of his poor beginnings & I told him of mine. Then I pointed out—we were now the Presidents of our countries; That I wanted this kind of opportunity for everyone in all the Americas. By the time we did the farewell ceremonies at the airport I believe we were real friends. We flew on to San Jose Costa Rica. Same formal ceremonies. This was my 3rd meeting with Pres. Monge. I went on to Hotel Cariari where I had a meeting with Pres. Magana of El Salvadore. We spoke of need to emphasize their pursuit of human rights so we could continue to help.