Diary Entry - 12/02/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan talks on a conference call with Prime Minster Eugenia Charles of Dominica.
President Reagan receives the annual report of the President's Advisory Committee on the Arts.
Five gunmen hijack Soviet Aeroflot jet and then surrender in Israel.
Sec. Cavasos is new in the job—he asked for a budget increase of $70 mil. He didn’t know Congress had already added a bil. $ to what we had asked for. Ann McLaughlin—Sec. of Labor is asking for a $400 mil. increase. This is in the budget overview we were having. Energy has had an $21 mil. increase, they want more. Leaders of our American Indians want a meeting with me. 61 Sen’s. & 8 Senator-elects have signed an endorsement of Geo. S’s. ruling on Arafat.
Talked some about schedule. I’m making a speech on Dec. 7 and holding a press conference on Dec. 8. The speech will be on Am. enterprise & Gorbachev. Forgot—on Dec. 6 I’m doing a piece for 60 Min’s.
N.S.C.—A meeting of Caribbean nations & other Latin Ams. are holding a meeting in Miami. I’ll do a phone bit with them. A group held a Soviet plane & some children as hostages. They wanted to get a plane ride to Israel—they released the children. N.A.T.O. allies conducted a successful meeting.
Desk time & then lunch in study with Kathy—her birthday is Sunday.
After lunch a meeting with David Rockefeller. He reported on pvt. initiative things he has involved himself in—very successfully—summer jobs for kids etc. Then a report from Advisory Comm. on the Arts. Forgot to mention I made the call to the Caribbean meeting in Miami during lunch. P.M. Eugenia Charles was on the other end. I spoke to the entire meeting.
Then the whole gang of stewardesses, flight crews etc. from Pan Am who carry our press on trips but who always gather as a greeting group for me when A.F.1 lands came into the Oval O. It was great to see them & really meet them.
Then Lyle Parker—Teke from Eureka when I was there dropped by with his family.Then upstairs to change for Camp David. On way to Helicopter—supposed to choose some wood carvings as gifts from the carver. We chose a large pair of Swans & a Santa Claus. Photos in Dip. room & outside with about 40 Interns. Then on to helicopter & Camp D. Temp. at the camp 34°. The movie after dinner—Jim Stewart in “The Way The West Was Won.”