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Diary Entry - 12/02/1988

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 12-02-1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan talks on a conference call with Prime Minster Eugenia Charles of Dominica.

  • President Reagan receives the annual report of the President's Advisory Committee on the Arts.

  • Five gunmen hijack Soviet Aeroflot jet and then surrender in Israel.

View the President's Schedule
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Sec. Cavasos is new in the job—he asked for a budget increase of $70 mil. He didn’t know Congress had already added a bil. $ to what we had asked for. Ann McLaughlin—Sec. of Labor is asking for a $400 mil. increase. This is in the budget overview we were having. Energy has had an $21 mil. increase, they want more. Leaders of our American Indians want a meeting with me. 61 Sen’s. & 8 Senator-elects have signed an endorsement of Geo. S’s. ruling on Arafat.

Talked some about schedule. I’m making a speech on Dec. 7 and holding a press conference on Dec. 8. The speech will be on Am. enterprise & Gorbachev. Forgot—on Dec. 6 I’m doing a piece for 60 Min’s.

N.S.C.—A meeting of Caribbean nations & other Latin Ams. are holding a meeting in Miami. I’ll do a phone bit with them. A group held a Soviet plane & some children as hostages. They wanted to get a plane ride to Israel—they released the children. N.A.T.O. allies conducted a successful meeting.

Desk time & then lunch in study with Kathy—her birthday is Sunday.

After lunch a meeting with David Rockefeller. He reported on pvt. initiative things he has involved himself in—very successfully—summer jobs for kids etc. Then a report from Advisory Comm. on the Arts. Forgot to mention I made the call to the Caribbean meeting in Miami during lunch. P.M. Eugenia Charles was on the other end. I spoke to the entire meeting.

Then the whole gang of stewardesses, flight crews etc. from Pan Am who carry our press on trips but who always gather as a greeting group for me when A.F.1 lands came into the Oval O. It was great to see them & really meet them.

Then Lyle Parker—Teke from Eureka when I was there dropped by with his family.Then upstairs to change for Camp David. On way to Helicopter—supposed to choose some wood carvings as gifts from the carver. We chose a large pair of Swans & a Santa Claus. Photos in Dip. room & outside with about 40 Interns. Then on to helicopter & Camp D. Temp. at the camp 34°. The movie after dinner—Jim Stewart in “The Way The West Was Won.”

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