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Diary Entry - 11/28/1983

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 11-28-1983

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with the Prime Minister of the State of Israel Yitzhak Shamir.

  • President Reagan signs Proclamation 5131, proclaiming the years 1983 through 1992 as the National Decade of Disabled Persons.

  • The space shuttle Columbia lifts off on mission STS-9 carrying Spacelab, a European European built research laboratory, in its cargo bay.

View the President's Schedule
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N.S.C. briefing for P.M. Shamir (Israel) visit. This 1st meeting was a stage setter for tomorrow’s longer meeting. I let him know we wanted to strengthen our relations with the moderate Arab states so we could help bring peace to the area. We’ll get into the nuts & bolts tomorrow. Had a bill signing in the Roosevelt room of the appropriations bill for “State, Justice, Commerce, & Judiciary.” Higher than I wanted but less than the Demos wanted. Line item veto would have made the difference. Then a heartwarming meeting in the East room with hundreds of handicapped people who have made themselves self sustaining. I signed the order proclaiming 1983 through 1992 as the decade of the handicapped. Our goal will be rehabilitation & opportunity for all the handicapped. Later after lunch taped some messages for Campus Crusade For Christ, Tournament of Roses, Nat. Food Brokers Convention and U. of Nebraska football tribute. Spent most of afternoon signing letters of condolence to next of kin of the 239 Marines.

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