Diary Entry - 11/27/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with various California Highway Patrol Officers.
President and Mrs. Reagan return to Washington at the end of their Thanksgiving week.
The United States is flooded with worldwide criticism for refusing to allow PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat to address the United Nations.
Up at 7:15 A.M. No breakfast—first a glass of juice. Left the house at 8:40. A final farewell to Anne who lives in Fresno & has told Nancy she’s not physically up to the work anymore. A group of people—friends & relatives of some of our people on hand at the heli-port to see us off. Photos with Highway Patrol etc. Then on to Point Mugu. Phil Regan & Jo plus grandchildren & even a few great grandchildren there for the takeoff of A.F.1 Phil surprised me by breaking down & crying. Then A.F.1 a breakfast or perhaps I should call it brunch about 1:15 Wash. time. Our usual custom for these trips.
An afternoon with a little office work but most of the time reading a book, “Final Flight,” by Stephen Coonts. Finally right on time 4:45 P.M. Wash. D.C. and 10 mins. later the W.H. & it was a rainy day. Showers (the bathroom kind) dinner & an early to bed.